Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Bling and Almighty

I've been going uber SHINee crazy. I am forever thankful for SFINEE and their subbed videos. :)

I picked my favorite SHINee boy this afternoon. It was between Bling Bling Jonghyun and Almighty Key. I liked Bling^2 because he's the most mature looking and has the voice of a god. Oh and that chiseled jaw...mmm! But then Mr. Almighty started grabbing my attention with his cuteness and charm and his inability to hold in his laughter (just like me).

Too hard to choose between them, so to be fair I started taking Ring Ding Dong MV screencaps of both of them to make a wallpaper out of. And at 0:50 exactly, my decision was made for me.

Hellooooo Key ♥ You win.
One look, and I'm gone. So intense...smoldering. Sorry Bling^2, none of your screencaps could compare with this Almighty one.

And note the 2nd earring in the MIDDLE of his ear. I have yet to see another guy (piercing "addicts" don't count) with a piercing like this. I love that he's different like that...a kind of rebellious side to him.

This is now my wallpaper. It's like he's staring straight at me through my computer screen...and I get to stare back at him all I want. ;)

Oh, and speaking of cute, ear-pierced dongsaengs...
My dear 15-year-old Paul, why did you let Johnson cut and style your hair and give you dope earring/plugs? And why did you adapt to the crews' fashion sense and silly yet haughty attitude?? Don't you know you look like a k-pop star now?! Dangit Paul, I'm going to die of a cuteness overdose at practices because of you. Now learn the choreography and sing me "Replay" so I can die in bliss. HAHAHAA.

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